Asparagus risotto in Prosciutto

The best of both worlds, presentation and amazing flavor. Try this one at your next dinner party.


To serve 4 people you will need the following ingredients:

  • 8 Slices of Veroni Prosciutto
  • 320g Vialone Nano Rice
  • 500g Asparagus
  • 30g White Onion
  • 50g Butter
  • 80g Parmigiano Cheese
  • 1 Cup White Wine
  • Salt and Pepper


1. Clean the asparagus and remove the the hard ends. Add the ends to a pot of salted water and leave on medium heat creating a broth.
2. Cut the tips of the asparagus into thin slices. Finely chop the onion and add to a pan with half the butter and the asparagus until wilted slightly.
3. Add in the rice and toast toast for 2 min until lightly browned, add in the wine and soak until absorbed.
4. Once the wine is almost completely absorbed, add enough broth to cover the rice and bring to a boil, once broth is absorbed, continue to add slowly stiring continuously. repeat 4-5 times before rice is cooked through.
5. Remove from the heat and stir well with the remaining butter and Parmigiano Reggiano.
6. Spread 2 slices of Prosciutto on each plate, place a serving of the risotto on top and close so that the prosciutto conceals the risotto. Garnish with some asparagus tips.

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