Veroni Salami Madness

The time of year has come for ‘March Madness’ the best time to sit back with family and friends and enjoy nights in around the TV watching the basketball. We find the best way to take care of your hungry guests is an antipasto platter rich with Italian cured meats and our favorite for this event – Veroni Salami. Learning more about our salami will help you understand why for us, ‘Salami Madness’ is something we have all year round!

Salami is an elongated pork and/or beef sausage, enclosed in a casing and matured for a period ranging from a few weeks to several months. Veroni salami are ground and seasoned with special spices, following an ancient recipe of the local tradition, which allows you to bring on your tables a salami of excellent quality and strong flavor.

Salami is a variety of cured meat which belongs to a category of cured pork meats called ‘salumi insaccati’ or in English ‘encased’. This name denotes to the method of the contents being encased in a natural skin which is often made from pig intestines. A majority of salami variations are made from pork meat but can also be mixed with other meats for various outcomes.

The traditional process includes the meat being ground and kneaded. Then various spices and ingredients are added to change the flavour and texture of the final product. The meat mixture is squeezed into the casing and left to age for a various amount of days, depending on the desired outcome.

The number of variations that are produced today is vast, with Veroni upholding long standing traditions through 100% Italian ingredients and traditional production methods that have been used by the Veroni family for almost 100 years.


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